Sunday 29 July 2018

Spiritual Encyclopedia of Seven Chakras, Seven Bodies and Kundalini Blocks

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  • After some days I will create video from this text, till then if you like you can watch Hindi version of this video. Hindi video is in three parts you can watch it form this link.
Body Chakras and Kundalini YouTube Playlist

Hello Friends,
I am sure after viewing this video your view about Kundalini, Seven Chakras, Seven Bodies and Spiritual practices will be drastically changed. People added so much spice during the ages so now we think that Kundalini and Chakras are some supernatural things and we have to practice very very hard Sadhna to achieve it, but all this spices are not true and truth about Kundalini and Chakras are very simple.

In this video we will try to understand:
How we came into existence?
What are Body, Soul and Mind and how we create problems for ourselves?
What are Ida, Pingla and Sushumna Nadis?
What are Seven Chakras and Seven Bodies?
How Kundalini energy gets blocked?
What are the ways of removing energy blocks?

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So, let’s continue with Body Chakra topic.

Ultimate Energy or GOD

To understand about Seven Bodies and Seven Chakras we have to understand how we came into existence and how we are connected with Ultimate Energy and Spiritual world.

If we see about Ultimate Energy, it is like an ocean. A fish is inside ocean, so it is not able to know what ocean is. Likewise we are inside Ultimate Energy and we made up of Ultimate Energy. That’s why we are not able to see the Ultimate Energy. But just to understand if we try to look Ultimate Energy from fare away it will looks like spark of light.

If we try to go inside this light it will look like this. We are this Ultimate Energy. In ancient scriptures this Ultimate Energy refers as Trinity, three into one God. According to Hinduism they are Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh or Shiv.

In this Brahma is a Creator, Vishnu is a Preserver, and Shiva is a Destroyer three into one because three things are happening due to this one Ultimate Energy creating things, preserving things and destroying things.

It is similar to Generator, Operator and Destroyer GOD.

According to modern science matter consists of Proton, Neutron and Electron. And work of Proton, Neutron and Electron are same as Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer.

As water solidifies into ice, similarly Ultimate Energy solidifies into matter and can understand all things which are happening to the matter. We call that understanding Cosmic Consciousness.
Due to solidify process and understanding, after a long process of creation and evolution matter developed into the life.

So we can say that Ultimate Energy created this world by evolution.
When, for the first time, energy becomes dense, than we say that Brahma has created the world. When the substance preserves itself for some time, we say that Vishnu preserves the world. When the substance itself is destroyed then we say Shiva destroys.

According to all most all religious believes, stages of creating and preserving life on earth are similar to ten Avatars of Vishnu. According to it life came into existence as a Fish and developed into trees, animals, human being and will be destroy as Kalki Avatar.

Evolution stages and consciousness

If we try to put evolution stages in pictorial form it may look like this.

First there was a pure consciousness or Ultimate Energy only. It developed in Fish “being”, then into Trees “nonmoving being”, then into Frog and Tortoise “moving into water and on earth being”, then into Cat and Monkey “nonviolent animal being”, then into Lion “violent animal being”, and at last Human “being with understanding”.

Each stage of evolution stores its desire and experience, we call it Collective Consciousness.
Trees, animals, birds, etc. are using the cosmic and collective consciousness as instinct.
Due to his analyzing power human being start seeing these experiences as their own individual experiences and desires, and start developing Individual Consciousness or Ego. That created an intermediate world; we call it Soul World or Mind.

Trees, animals, birds, etc. live with two things Ultimate Energy and solidified body. But in human being instead of two, now we have three things, Ultimate Energy, solidified human body and stored memories or soul world.

This soul world is totally false, just our imaginations and desires. When sages say that world is illusory (Mithya) they are talking about this soul world and not about our solidified matter world. So, this soul world is a cause of all our problems.

How we catch problems

We can visualize something like this.
When a person experiences some good or bad things, as if our hand is cut off or the feet are burnt, we store that memory in our body as a personal consciousness or soul. When the body dies, then the vibrations of this soul remain in the air, and when a new baby is born, this vibration descends on it.
We continue taking new "vibrations" or "vibration of memory of experience" during our lifetime.
So we have many voices inside us, each voice pulling us according to its stored memory.

There are three possibilities of human life.

The child born without the ultimate energy or life force, we call it dead child.

If a child is born with the Ultimate Energy or life force, then the first vibration or individual consciousness descends on it. Now this newborn baby feels, thinks and desires according to the descendent consciousness or soul.

If baby takes birth with Ultimate Energy or life force, then first vibration or individual consciousness descends on it. Now this newly born baby feels, thinks and desires according to descendant consciousness or soul.

We are not able to prevent soul to descend upon body. So there are many spiritual practices which remove descendant soul. When all descendant souls removed from body we call it Enlightenment.
To live a happy and peaceful life, our goal should be to remove the descendent consciousness and live without catching new consciousness.

So to live a happy and peaceful life our goal should be, removed this descendant souls, and lives without catching new souls.

We can use soul world memory in three ways.

We try to repeat stored experience.

We try to change the experience.

We just get knowledge about experiences.

These three ways are figuratively called Nadis. And those experiences are divided in seven parts and figuratively called bodies and chakras.

Some traditions say about five chakras and some more, but system of seven chakra is most prevalent.
Some traditions talk about five chakras only maybe because they want to talk up to human body only and don’t want to talk about spiritual bodies.

There are so many theories and misunderstanding about chakra and bodies because our ego likes complicated things. But the things are very simple. Kundalini, Chakras and bodies are not something supernatural things. We already know it in day to day life, but we don’t see the things in that context.

Spiritual model of feelings and experiences

Sages created a spiritual model for understanding relationship between our body and soul world.
It has been said spiritually, that there are seven Chakras,

1.      Muladhar (Root chakra)
2.      Swadhishthan (Sacral chakra)
3.      Manipur (Solar chakra)
4.      Anahat (Heart chakra)
5.      Vishuddhi (Throat chakra)
6.      Agya (Third Eye chakra)
7.      Sahasrar (Crown chakra)
seven Bodies
1.      Physical (Sthul, Bhautik Sharir)
2.      Etheric (Bhav, Pran, Akash Sharir)
3.      Astral (Sukshm Sharir)
4.      Mental (Manas Sharir)
5.      Spiritual (Aatmik Sharir)
6.      Cosmic (Braham Sharir)
7.      Nirvana
and three Nadis
1.      Ida
2.      Pingala
3.      Sushumna
are associated with our body and soul world.

So let’s see how we can further develop into “normal human”, “intelligent human”, “super human”, “god or demons” and “ultimate god”, by passing Kundalini Shakti into Seven Bodies and Seven Chakras through Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadi. And then we will see how we can dissolve ourselves back into Ultimate Energy or Nothingness.

Understanding our nature

Now let’s see each thing step by step:

First of all we have to remember, that all these things are in intermediate world or in mind only; therefore, when we do medical examination we do not get all these things in our physical body.
Let’s start with Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadis.

Here in spiritual context nadis are describe figuratively and not as Ayurveda describe in physical body.

The Nadi in Ayurveda shows that from which side breath is coming from. But here in the spiritual context, Nadi shows the nature of human beings.

We already had seen that we create a soul world or mind by storing our experience.
To access this mind, humans use three approaches.

First is feminine nature or Ida nadi approach.

If the person accepts, what is happening to him in this world, and try to fully enjoy what is provided. Then they called feminine nature or person with Ida nadi.

Second is masculine nature or Pingala nadi approach.

If the person tries to change the things for serving this earth, they are called masculine nature or person who is using Pingala nadi.

Third is Sushumna nadi approach, the person who is living with understanding. This type of person understands all the possibility of feminine and masculine nature and live life as a witnessing conciseness.

Keep in mind that here we are talking about feminine and masculine nature not a female or male physical body.

As we already seen that good and bad memory which is stored in soul world descends on human body as soul. And humans continue catching new memory during their life time.

This memory causes many problems. As for example in our whole life we become fearful of water if descendent soul dies by drowning in its last life.

If we try to visualize this phenomenon, it’s look like this.

If our hands or feet are cut or burnt, then we collect its memory in our body.
If we die due to accident then we store that fear in Swadhisthan chakra.
When our loved one or our kid dies we store those feelings in Heart chakra.
We are also catching others memory by paying attention to their thoughts.
So this memory becomes blockages in our body and our energy not able to move freely in our body.
So to remove descendent memory, sages created three types of meditation practices.

Three ways of handling our nature

First is raising energy technics or Karma yoga, which is useful for people who have masculine nature or person who acts on Pingla nadi.

In this technique we raise our energy against the nature, and it removes all memory blockages.
Ashtang Yog of Maharishi Patanjali, Samayika of Jainism and Active meditations of Acharya Rajneesh are some popular technics in this category.

Second is accepting technics or Bhakti yoga, which is useful for people who have feminine nature or person who acts on Ida nadi.

In this technique we accept the consequences which arise from any situation and believe that this is God’s will.

Tantra, Vipassana of Bhagwan Buddha, and Tathata meditation of Acharya Rajnesssh are some popular technics in this category.

Third is understanding or Gyan yoga, so it does not have any particular technique, but person have to understand that how Purush (Ultimate Energy) and Prakruti (solidified body) works. And he has to develop a trust (Shraddha) on Ultimate Energy.

To understand this process Sage Kapila develops a Samkhya philosophy.
To develop a trust we can use guided meditation and visualization, Gayatri Mantra, or just Awareness.

First of all we have to decide our type and then choose meditation technique accordingly.
If you feel that sometime you act as Ida nadi person and sometime you act as Pingla nadi person that mean you have many soul vibrations inside your body and you have to work according to present or most active soul. Slowly slowly you are able to find your true nature.

Way of understanding is easiest way, but our ego didn’t permit us to develop a trust. Most of the people think that they have to do something; so the path of Pingla nadi “a path of doing” is most appealing.

This video deals with knowledge path and tries to give you understanding, but if you are not able to understand or knowledge is not appealing to you then, you can try Maharishi Patanjali’s Ashtang Yog. I will create separate video for Ashtang Yog.

Understanding Chakras and Bodies

Now, let’s understand chakras and bodies.

When a child is born, he gets life energy from the navel. Due to gravity all the energy is deposited in the lower part of the spinal cord and very little energy rotate in bodies through chakras.

The point from which the energy spreads, it is called a Chakra, and the experience which comes through the energy, is called a Body.

When energy flows into Physical body through Muladhar Chakra then we get knowledge of seeing, listening or testing from Physical body. So we can say we got a Physical body.

Similarly when energy flows into other chakras we get other experiences. So we can say we got that body.

Usually each Chakra automatically starts working in every seven years.

Like Muladhar Chakra in 7th year, Swadhishthan Chakra and Etheric body in 14th year, Manipur Chakra and Astral body in 21st year, Anahat Chakra and Mental body in 28th year, and so forth.
Each chakra has a different color. That color indicates density of light. And when in our meditation we reach to soul world, we can see soul in that color on which chakra they are working.

Each chakra symbolized with petals. In my view this petals symbolize a problem associated with that point. Like Muladhar chakra has four petals, it indicates that this point of human evolution has a four problem, two with each nadi. Ida nadi person can indulge too much in food and sex that is two problems or Pingla nadi person can suppress the desire of food and sex that is other two problems.
But don’t try to analyze too much about chakra size, place, color, number of petals, sound, etc. because in further discussion you come to know all that is needed to pass that chakra and their problems.

So let’s discuss main points.

Common things of Chakras and Bodies

Nature itself activate all chakras automatically we just have to understand the effects and when we understand fully we can say that we passed that chakra.

As for example when nature activates Muladhara chakra you feel sexual attraction.
If you are feminine minded then you try to indulge more and more.

And if you are masculine minded then you try to avoid or change that experience.
When the person left out accepting or attacking both works by understanding or keep witnessing in consequences of that work, then it is said that Kundlini energy is rising through Sushumna or energy is get transformed or energy is crossed that chakra.

Then person understands both feminine and masculine possibility of the body connected with that chakra and goes ahead with the Witnessing.

We can cross many chakras in one life or we can pass many lives to cross a single chakra.
We can work on multiple chakras simultaneously.

Once we passed a chakra then we can quickly pass that chakra in next life. But we have to start always from Muladhar chakra.

First five bodies are same in size as physical body. But just to understand, here I showed bodies outside the physical body and in different colors.

First five bodies are same in size mean we get all experience of first five bodies in our physical body only.

The sixth body is size of universe. That mean we get experience of universe.
The seventh body size is infinite. That mean we get infinite experience.
We have experience or body in alternate fashion.

If the physical body is a male body, then the second body or experience is feminine, the third body is again the masculine and the fourth body is feminine.

If the physical body is a female body, then the second body or experience is masculine, the third body is again the feminine and the fourth body is masculine.

That’s why we draw Ida and Pinglala nadi as wrapped in one another.

One has sense of "I am male or female" in the first four bodies, the sense of male or female disappears from the fifth and sixth body, and only "I am" remains.
The sense of "I am" also vanishes in the seventh body.

Let’s understand each chakra in details.

Muladhar chakra and Physical body

The first chakra is Muladhar and Physical body is associated with it.
Lust of food and sex are natural possibilities of the Muladhar chakra and Physical body.
This means that when Muladhar chakra gets activated we feel attraction for food and sex.
If we are feminine minded then we try to indulge more and more into lust of food and sex. That means we try to take new and new food taste and try to do various types of sex.

Nothing wrong in taking taste of food or indulge in sex but, we have to suffer from health and social problems which is created by that lust.

And if we are masculine minded then we try to suppress lust of food and sex. When we try to avoid food or sex then we suffer from health and social problems which are created by that suppression.
We can see both types of people in our world.

Taste has become so much important for the people that they start eating fetus and become cannibals, or become rapists to enjoy the sex.

In the other hand fasting and avoiding sex for spiritual practices are respectable in our society. But we have to remember that it must stop by understanding not by suppression. And if it stops by suppression then it creates blockages in our soul.

As for example if person decide to fast for three days and after two days of fast due to any circumstances he ate some food then he feels guilt inside and that feeling of guilt is became blockage.
So, suppression is the biggest obstacle in the Muladhar Chakra.

By experience and awareness when we understand that there is no meaning of indulging too much or suppressing the lust of food and sex, and then we act as per situation. Then celibacy (Brahmacharya) will happen and one does not need to superimposed.

When soul reached to this understanding then it is said that Muladhar Chakra is transformed.
No matter how advanced soul we are or how knowledgeable we are, still we have to start from Muladhar chakra only.

We don’t have childhood and young age history of many spiritual leaders, but we have detailed account of Intellectual giant Acharya Rajneesh. So I like to use that record.

According to Acharya Rajneesh he already passed his six chakras in his past life. In his discourse Dimensions beyond the Known chapter 2, question 2 he said that he already passed his six chakras in his past life. Then also he has to start from Muladhar chakra.

In his discourse Glimpses of a Golden Childhood, Chapter 4; he said that when his Muladhar chakra gets activated then he wants to know about prostitute.

He told his grandmother about that emotion. His grandmother allowed him to go and when he saw a prostitute, he probably remembered the experiences of his past lives because he had already crossed the chakra. Then she returned home without sex.

Here we can see that he is not suppressing nor indulging in lust of sex.

So that mean whenever any of our chakra get activated we get some thoughts and feelings. Now we have to develop an understanding for that thoughts and feelings that is our Sadhana.

To cross the Muladhar chakra first four limbs of Maharishi Patanjali’s Yoga sutra Yama, Niyama, Asana, and Pranayama will be helpful.

In order to know the Muladhar chakra and the Physical body, try to see the body from inside in meditation.

Swadhishthan chakra and Etheric body

The second chakra is Swadhishthan and Etheric body is associated with it.
Feeling is the natural possibilities of Swadhishthan Chakra and Etheric body.
When a person is a feminine nature, they create a sense of fear, hatred, anger and violence.
It can be seen in our world, sometimes people are afraid that they cannot do any work, or they waste their whole lives in anger, hatred or murder.

If the person is a masculine nature, then he tries to show false bravery by suppressing fear and tries to show nonviolence by suppressing violence.

To show fearlessness this type of people do most dangerous sports like base jumping, bull riding and fights, etc. But we have to remember that this type of fearlessness is not useful in spiritual path, maybe when death comes this type of people may become fearful.

When energy of this chakra is transformed by understanding and awareness, then a feeling of fear, hatred, anger and violence transformed to love, compassion, fearlessness, and friendship.
If we look in Acharya Rajneesh’s life he told many things in his discourse Glimpses of a Golden Childhood, Chapter – 7, but here I like to mention one thing that he could cross the flooded river at the age of seven, but he did not try to show these things to others.

He understood the fearful and fearless both feelings and just become indifferent in it.
So whatever is our type if we feel fear, hatred, anger, etc. or we feel fearlessness, in both cases we must be indifferent about our feelings. And we must just let go all the feelings by awareness.
To cross this chakra Awareness and Mantra Yoga can be helpful.

That mean when you are feeling angry or feeling frightened, then you can utter a mantra and can be indifferent in the feeling.

This body or our feelings remains alive for 13 days even after the physical body dies.
This body catches all the disease, which means we catch disease with our feelings. As we already seen that we can catch other persons problem by our feelings.
Dreams of love and emotion are born in this body.
If this body is in stressed then bad dreams comes.

Manipur chakra and Astral body

The third chakra is Manipur and Astral body is associated with it.
Doubts and thoughts are natural possibility of Manipur Chakra and Astral body.
When a person is a feminine-minded, then he lost in doubts and thoughts. That mean they cannot do any work because they always think about problems. They always think about destiny, wrong effect of planets, etc.

And if a person is masculine-minded, then he tries to show faith by suppressing doubts.
That mean he just do some rituals and start thinking that now God will helps me.
When energy of this chakra is transformed by understanding and awareness, then doubts transforms to Trust (Shraddha), and thoughts transforms to Awareness (Vivek).

We can see this thing in Acharya Rajneesh’s life, that he doubts all most all things. In the Glimpses of a Golden Childhood, Chapter – 7 he said that even he is about age seven he doubted on Jain muni about spiritual things. And in letter stage of his life he shows full trust on existence.
But in our life we can see that we don’t have any doubts. When somebody says about any guru, that he is a great guru, we just bowed down to that person without asking any question. That shows that still our Manipur chakra is not activated.

We have to remember that to stand on our own feet first we have to leave others feet. We must stop bowed down to others.

If the person, who is doing prayer, worship, and rituals because of fear, they can do the meditation on this chakra, then they can leave the false religion and establish in true devotion.
To cross this chakra Awareness and Bhakti Yoga can be helpful.

Anahat chakra and Mental body

The fourth chakra is Anahat and Mental body is associated with it.
Imagination and dreaming are natural possibility of Anahat chakra and Mental body.
Desire of past lives and desire of this life comes into conflict in this body.

When a person is feminine-minded, then he does hypnosis, telepathy, astral projection, kundalini awakening, etc.

We already seen that we are connected with soul world or mind, due to that when our energy raise up to certain point we can access others thought waves also, due to that we can do telepathy, astral projection, etc.

Due to this access we can get many benefits but it is hindrance in our spiritual path, because we try to indulge more and more into that thoughts. So we are not able to get thoughtless state.

If a person is masculine-minded, then he creates a false dream by putting himself in a deception that he did austral projection, or his Kundalini is awakened.

This chakra is very dangerous, because person can live in the happiness of heaven or in the pain of hell in their imagination. They can imagine that I have sinned in past lives or I have bad luck (“Sunny Panoti”), so I am poor. Or they are continuing doing so many things, imagining that they will get heaven.

But we have to remember that we must leave all the thoughts, because thoughts are associated with soul world which is totally false.

When energy of this chakra is transformed by understanding and awareness, then imagination transforms to will and dreaming transforms to vision or seeing the truth.

If we see in case of Acharya Rajneesh, he told in his discourse Glimpses of a Golden Childhood, Chapter – 15, that he can access this soul world memory at the age of seven only. When his grandfather was dying, he remembered his previous birth, which was in Tibet, and he started speaking Bardo Thodol (a Tibetan mantra chanting ritual for dying person). But he never took too much interest in supernatural powers, he simply leaves all that.

So, we have to remember that when we get some supernatural powers like telepathy and astral projection then we have to become indifferent about it.

To cross this Chakra Awareness and Raja Yoga or Meditation is helpful.

Vishuddhi chakra and Spiritual body

The fifth chakra is Vishuddhi and Spiritual body is associated with it.
We get many mind powers in the fourth chakra so our “I” becomes very strong.
Then all the dualities of man and woman disappear, and they realized that the body and “I” are separated.

When this Chakra actives person loose sense of male or female so they start acting as opposite sex. They start wearing clothes of opposite sex. When person do cross dressing socially then some people think it is not respectable but when person do cross dressing and do spiritual practice then some people think they are respectable. But we have to remember that when we become indifferent in both effect then we can able to cross this Chakra.

The person earlier thought that I am body, now knows that I am not the body, but now he thinks himself different from the Ultimate Energy that condition is called "I".

Then while sleeping, only body sleeps, but “I” remain conscious.
If person is masculine-minded in fourth Anahat chakra and they are moving forward with a false imagination, then the fifth Vishuddhi chakra gets the energy in wrong way. And then they start fulfill their false “I” by kill millions of people for property, power and politics.
How we prove our “I”?

To prove ourselves we show our education degrees, or property or our job position. If we are religious minded then we try to prove our “I” by showing our spiritual gains. Like we start saying that I am doing meditation from last 40 or 50 years or I am disciple of so and so guru.
But if we take example of Acharya Rajneesh, we can see in his discourse Glimpses of a Golden Childhood, Chapter – 3, 4, and 8 that he threw his gold medal in very deep well, he simply donate his 14 acres of land to his caretaker. And he said that I threw my enlightenment also. This shows that he is not trying to prove himself by proving his “I”.

So, we have to become indifferent about our earthly and spiritual achievements.
If all the chakra up to fifth is crossed by properly transforming the energy, then the person is aware of their true “I” or oneself.

After crossing the fourth chakra, one can enter the fifth by just keep looking between two eyebrows in meditation.

If someone starts exercise of keep looking between two eyebrows, without proper transformation of Kundalini then there is fear of developing schizophrenia.

By entering in fifth body one gets too much happiness so it is very difficult to cross this body.
So, we have to be more alert when we start getting spiritual achievements.

Agya chakra and Cosmic body

The sixth chakra is Agya and Cosmic body is associated with it.
When this chakra gets activated person gets all types of knowledge, they can realize how universe created, what consciousness is, and how entire system works, etc.

The third Eye or Agya chakra is most misunderstood; people think that only Agya chakra is very useful so they forget all about other chakras and start meditate on Agya chakra directly.
There are many persons who claim that their Kundlini and third eye is activated and now they can do various things, but remember that, person whose Agya chakra get activated never advertise themselves, but person whose third Manipur chakra get activated and caught in false faith they became an advertiser.

After crossing the fifth body, the soul does not need the physical body; it can live thousands of years in the soul world as spiritual body.

If these types of soul works to make living people’s life easier then we call them angle or god, and if they works for destruction than we call them evil spirit or devil. But we have to remember that both works are needed and they are three in one god, Generator, Operator and Destroyer.
Soul can live thousands of years but to get the seventh body or Nirvana, it has to come back into the physical body.

In the fifth body if they do not hold on to the feeling of “I am”, then they enter the sixth body automatically.

Then I am one with everyone, “I am all mighty” (Aham Brahmāsmi) is realized.
People achieving the sixth body have written script like Vedas, Ayurveda, Astrology, etc.
Sixth Agya chakra is very powerful in the context of our earth, but the power is useless in getting Nirvana or Moksha, that’s why after passing Agya chakra negative mind, is needed in the physical body, not even desire of Nirvana, then entering into the seventh body become easy.

You can see this in Acharya Rajneesh’s life, he said in Tao: The Pathless Path, Volume 2, and Chapter 9

“I had lost all ambition; there was no desire to be anybody, no desire to reach anywhere – not even God, not even nirvana. The Buddha-disease had completely disappeared.”

Here you can see that he describe Nirvana desire as disease, so when you lost all the hope and desire then you become eligible for Nirvana.

If you are female by physical body, then do not meditate on the Agya chakra directly, but meditate more on first four chakras.

If you are male by physical body and your nature is also masculine-minded, then meditate more on Agya chakra, but remember to develop feeling of surrender.

If you are male by physical body and your nature is feminine-minded, then meditate on all chakras.
It is not necessary to get all the experience of this chakra, if you understood that getting power is useless in path of Nirvana then you can directly pass this chakra by Gyan yoga.

Sahasrar chakra and Nirvanic body

The seventh chakra is Sahasrar and Nirvanic body is associated with it.
When one realizes “I am all mighty”, then if he doesn’t hold “I” then he enters the seventh body automatically.

That mean when you pass sixth chakra you can able to do many things on this earth, like you can able to change views of people. As you can see in case of Bhagwan Buddha, Mahavir Swami, Jesus, Mohammad Paigambar Saheb and many others they can changed millions of mind. They can able to do this because they already left the feeling of “I am doing”.

If you left feeling of “I” then nothing is remain so, person feels deep unknown fear before passing seventh Sahasrar chakra and entering in Nirvanic body, because now they knows that their soul will vanished from soul world.

Seventh Nirvanic body means the last death of Mind, non-existence is known and consciousness gets back to non-existence.

After passing sixth Agya chakra there is no desire of doing anything, you can see all the possibility of survive on earth is fading away. You can see that your job, business, and relationship everything is ruining, but there is no desire of saving all this and even you don’t know why you are feeling like that. Here you have to leave all the things including all religious practices like astrology, vastu shastra, and other valuable spiritual concepts.

This condition is very painful for outer world, so if person doesn’t aware about inner world then it is very painful. Many people get mad, committed suicide, or became extreme negative.
If person pass this condition with inner awareness then they became Enlighten.

As we already seen, after Enlightenment again two things remain, Ultimate Energy and solidified body, intermediate soul world or Mind totally disappeared. The enlightened person again starts to use this soul world or mind to teach us. They don’t have their own will or desire so, it is not good to say that they use their Mind but rather we have to say existence use their body to teach us.


In summary, we can say that Ultimate Energy is getting all the experiences as conciseness from its solidified part or matter. We are also part of that solidified matter but due to analyzing power we start feeling separated. Due to separated feeling, we create an illusory soul world. Our soul world or conciseness is developed from animal world so we must analyze and change that conciseness to be a true human being. After become a true human being we must understand that we are not separated but we are that Ultimate Energy only, when we understand that, it is our Enlightenment.

Sages divide our entire conciseness in to seven parts that is explained as seven chakras and seven bodies.

Each chakra and each body have a set of feelings and experiences.
We can deal with this set in three ways
1. by accepting experiences. (Ida nadi, feminine nature)
2. by changing experiences. (Pingala nadi, masculine nature)
3. by understanding. (Sushumna nadi, witnessing nature)

So, sages created a three ways for each type of person, that is
1. Bhakti yoga for feminine nature, in which we accept all consequences as God’s will.
2. Karma yoga for masculine nature, in which we try to change consequences.
3. Gyan yoga for witnessing nature, in which we understand the whole thing and act according to situation.

These methods are for changing soul world or mind, not for the physical world. Therefore we cannot stop our death, but we can be free from the fear of death.

Gyan yoga or path of knowledge is easiest and only way to pass seventh chakra, but due to our ego very few can walk on it.

Due to our ego Karma yoga or path of doing is very appealing.
Bhakti yoga or path of accepting everything with awareness is a longest way.
First you have to choose your path, but if you are not able to choose your path that mean you have many souls or mind inside you. So you have to choose a path according to your present mood, and continue changing time to time.

Second you have to check each set of feelings and experiences or chakra and its associated body. And then you have to become indifferent or watcher (sakshi) in that feelings and experiences.
When first Muladara chakra gets activated then feminine nature person feels lust for sex and food and masculine nature person wants to suppress it, but when you become indifferent towards both feelings, then celibacy results.

When second Swadhishthan chakra gets activated then feminine nature person feels fear, hatred, anger and violence and masculine nature person wants to show false bravery by suppressing fear, but when you become indifferent towards both feelings, then love, compassion, fearlessness, and friendship results.

When third Manipur chakra gets activated then feminine nature person feels doubts and thoughts and masculine nature person wants to show false faith by suppressing doubts, but when you become indifferent towards both feelings, then trust (Shraddha), and Awareness (Vivek) results.
When fourth Anahat chakra gets activated then feminine nature person creates imagination and dreaming and masculine nature person creates a false dream, but when you become indifferent towards both feelings, then will and vision or seeing the truth results.

When fifth Vishuddhi chakra gets activated then feminine and masculine both nature people feel false “I” or their ego became strong, but when you become indifferent towards ego feelings, then true “I” will realized or person became aware of oneself.

When sixth Agya chakra gets activated then feminine nature person became saint, angle or god, and try to preserve life and masculine nature person became dictator, evil spirit or devil, but when you become indifferent towards both feelings, then you feel emptiness or nothingness.

When seventh Sahasrar chakra gets activated then person feels nothingness, but when you understand nothingness you become nothing (Shunya) and become one with Ultimate Energy.

People are facing problems of all chakras, and some can pass first three chakras, very few can pass fourth and fifth chakras and very rare can pass six and seven chakra. But passing all chakras is possible so we have to work for it.

So chakras and bodies are not something supernatural or amazing things, it’s just our thoughts, feelings and experiences and we have to control it to live a peaceful and joyful life.

If your third Manipur chakra is activated then you will understand these things but remember that we have to cross this chakra by experience not by information. That mean when some situation arise in your life, and if you spontaneously act according to this understanding then you can say that you passed that chakra.

For example take a situation of property problem. If your Swadhishthan chakra is activated you want a security in life so you want your own property to live a peaceful life. But it may happen that your relatives try to take your property. Now you have two ways if you are feminine mind person then you go for usual court case or may be do some tricks to occupy property. But in this process you feel sorrow for your relationship. On the other hand if you are masculine mind person then you try to show that you don’t want property and you can renounce all the things. But in this process you try to show that you are very spiritual person. In both the cases you create energy block. In feminine mind you create block of sorrow and in masculine mind you create block of ego. So what you did is not important, but the feeling you have is important.

Whether you choose to go to court, do tricks, or to renounce, if you are feel feelings for that decision, then you are still have trapped in the Swadhishthan Chakra.

The person, who does not have any feelings in both ways, can say that they have passed Swadhishthan chakra.

We have experience of feminine mind way and masculine mind way but we don’t have experience of third way so it is hard to understand.

We have to remember that awareness is the key and suppression or fighting against feelings is a biggest block in passing chakra.

No guru, saktipat or any other things can awaken your kundlini and chakras, only you alone have to walk on the path, so let’s start become aware about our feelings and thoughts.

Meditation for chakra and bodies

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