Saturday 23 June 2018

Incarnation Yoga

Hello Friends,
Welcome to my YouTube channel MafatShikho
MafatShikho means Learn for Free
Today we will talk about Incarnation yoga

What is Incarnation Yoga?
First we have to understand basic question Why Am I?
Why am I is a basic question of human mind. You can put anything after this question like, why am I here. Why am I fat? Why am I slim? Why am I poor? Why am I this or that? Virtually any question.
According to my meditation I realize that we have all the problems because we catch vibrations of the particular problems or questions.
According to me problem and question are the synonyms.
If we stop catching vibrations we can stop our problems and questions.
If we take an example of FM Radio it is easy to understand.
You have FM Radio body or instrument and all channels wave in the air. If any channel produces songs and some talks and some abusive languages, all that waves are around your radio instrument. But it’s not affecting your radio. When you tune to songs immediately radio starts broadcasting songs and when you tune to abusive language radio starts broadcasting it.
Similarly, your body and brain is an instrument, good and bad vibrations are in the air and your attention is a tuning. While you give attention to any thought it starts broadcasting through your body and senses.
To stop catching these vibrations first of all we have to understand that how these vibrations are created and affected our body and mind.
All the answer is hiding inside “Why Am I” question itself.
Why Am I consists of Y M I. Yoga, Meditation and Incarnation.
We have to understand Yoga, Meditation and Incarnation to solve our questions.
Incarnation is happened due to vibrations and vibrations are produced in incarnation. It is vicious circle.
There are many ways of breaking this vibration – incarnation circle. But in this video i will try to show my understanding of how this vibration and incarnation happens and how we can detach ourselves from this circle using yoga and meditation.
To understand vibration – incarnation circle first we have to understand incarnation stages and consciousness.
According to ancient scripts there are many stages of incarnation, but if we view it largely we can symbolize six stages.
Six incarnation stages are:
1.       Fish – (Being)
2.       Tree – (Nonmoving being)
3.       Frog or turtle – ( Moving into water and on earth being)
4.       Cat or Monkey – (Nonviolent animal being)
5.       Lion – (Violent animal being)
6.       Human – (Being with understanding)
These beings produce and accumulate their vibrations of desire and feelings. It is called consciousness.
There are three types of consciousness:
1.       Individual consciousness
2.       Collective consciousness
3.       Cosmic consciousness
Let’s try to understand how these six incarnations create three types of consciousness.

Due to cosmic consciousness first conscious incarnation fish came into existence.
Then fish starts feeling and desiring its own. That vibration creates an individual consciousness.
Fish are not able to move on earth, so fish creates a desire vibration of moving on earth.

That desire creates trees.
As trees are not able to move, its strongest desire is to move.

Frog or Turtle
That desire creates a frog or turtle, moving into water and on earth being.
Frog and turtle like being desire about fast running and living only on the earth.

Cat or Monkey
That desire creates a cat or monkey like nonviolent animal beings.
These types of being become aware of protecting own self.

To protect own self, being become violent and Lion like violent animal being came into existence.
All the animals start standing on their two legs and that develop their brain.

History and research shows that there are existences of half animal and half human creatures.
This evolution creates today’s human
So humans have Individual consciousness of all the stages of life.
Each tree, animal, and human stages have their own feelings and desire.
When somebody cut or burn a tree, animal or human, these creatures record its vibrations as an individual consciousness.
Feeling, desiring and thinking of same types and same tropical zone creates collective consciousness.
Like creatures in a hot climate creates different feelings and desire than cold climate creatures.
There are many types of collective consciousness.
Vibrations of the Sun, the Moon, the Earth and the other planets create cosmic consciousness.
We know that humans have Individual consciousness of all the stages of life.
When human dies this vibration remains in the air.
When a new baby is born, these vibration or consciousness descends on it.
Let’s take an example
Human has three things; body, spirit (atman) and soul (consciousness)
When female egg cell and male sperm cell comes together it creates a fetus or body
If it comes out without spirit or life force; we call it stillbirth or baby birth without life.
If baby takes birth with spirit or life; first vibration or individual consciousness descends on it.
Now this newly born baby feels, thinks and desires according to descendant’s consciousness.
Vibration descending on body is ongoing process and we catch and receive many vibrations during our life time.
Cosmic vibration or consciousness includes many collective and individual vibrations.
Group of cosmic, collective and individual vibrations which desire to up build human living on earth; we call it good consciousness, angel or God.
Group of cosmic, collective and individual vibrations which desire to fulfill their own desire and ignoring all types of loss on the earth; we call it bad consciousness, evil spirit, or demon.
Our goal in life is removing descendent vibration and lives without catching new vibrations.
When we remove all the descendent vibration we become liberated being.
Religion calls it ‘Moksha’ or ‘Nirvana’.
There are many ways of removing this descendant vibration.
Most popular is ‘Witnessing’.
Just looking at thoughts or vibration which comes to our mind and understands that, this thoughts or vibration is not mine.
But only witnessing is very hard because, we human being are habitual of doing something.
That’s why this incarnation yoga is useful.
In incarnation yoga, yoga and meditation are combined.
Here I am not talking about only Yoga posture (આસન) but all the 8 stages of Maharshi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra.
1.       Yama – (Non aggressive peaceful living)
2.       Niyama – (Living according to cosmic law)
3.       Asana – (Body posture for removing unwanted vibrations)
4.       Pranayam – (Regulating breath to catch/release vibrations)
5.       Pratyahara – (Withdrawing one's thoughts from the external vibrations)
6.       Dharana – (Assume – Activating brain to receive certain vibrations)
7.       Dhyana – (Non-judgmental, non-presumptuous (અખંડ) observation of Dharana)
8.       Samadhi – (State of being in which person live without vibrational effects)
In this you have to do seven steps and eighth will be achieved.
In this yoga we will work according to step 3 to 7 on each Yogasana.
According to step 3 we hold our body posture as tree, cat, etc. for each incarnation.
According to step 4 we regulate our breath to release vibrations of that incarnation.
According to step 5 we withdraw our thoughts from any thought, pain or tingling sensation which is due to that incarnation.
According to step 6 we assume that we are removing any unwanted vibration, and filling empty space with good vibrations.
According to step 7 we try to find out positive symptoms of cure, and remove our attention from feeling of pain or illness symptoms.
If we spend at list one hour for step 3 to 6 while doing following yogasana and try to hold step 7 during whole day then we can remove any unwanted vibration, illness from our body.

Daily apply step 3 to 6 on these 12 Asana

If you are new to yoga practice like me, then don’t worry too much about yoga posture, because most significant thing is ‘Dharna.’ If your assumption is strong then your body will gradually shape accordingly.

For Tree incarnation

1)      Sarvangpusti (1 time, Max 3 times)
1.       Stand still like a tree, move only upper part
2.       Stretch both hand above head as arm touch the ears
3.       Fist palms and cross wrist
4.       Exhale to empty stomach and hold it
5.       Bend upper body slightly backward and turn round from left
6.       Do not move your lower body
7.       Assume all the time that you are removing unwanted vibration of tree incarnation
8.       Inhale and relax
9.       Exhale and repeat round rotations from right

For Fish incarnation

2)      Mastendriyasan (1 time, Max 3 times)
1.       Bend right leg and put under the buttock as heel touches the Muladhara (anus)
2.       Put left leg outside right leg knee
3.       Put left hand behind the body
4.       Press left leg knee with right arm
5.       And hold left toe with right hand
6.       Keep looking backside upward
7.       Exhale and inhale 10 times
8.       Assume all the time that you are removing unwanted vibration of Fish incarnation
9.       Repeat full process with opposite leg.

For Frog or Turtle incarnation

3)      Mandukasan (1 time, Max 3 times)
1.       Sit in Vajrasan (Kneeling position sitting on the heels)
2.       Keep normal breathing
3.       Press navel with one hand fist and press with other hand
4.       Keep looking upward in forward direction
5.       Bend and touch chin on ground
6.       Come back to normal position
7.       Without moving shoulders, move only face extreme left till you can
8.       Come in middle position and move only face extreme right till you can
9.       Assume all the time that you are removing unwanted vibration of Frog incarnation

4)      Agnisar kriya + 3 Bandh (1 time, Max 3 times)
1.       Sit in Vajrasan
2.       Exhale to empty stomach
3.       Vibrate stomach in and out
4.       After 10 times vibration, exhale totally
5.       Do Mula bandh (Contract the anus)
6.       Do Uddiyan bandh (Lift abdominal wall upward)
7.       Do Jalandhar bandh (Bending the head forward and pressing the chin against the throat in the gap between the collar bones)
8.       Assume all the time that you are removing unwanted vibration of Frog incarnation

5)      Sarpasan (1 time, Max 3 times)
1.       Lie down on your stomach
2.       Hold both hands above earth besides ears
3.       Take a deep breath
4.       Do Mula bandh
5.       Lift upward your upper body, head without help of hand
6.       Assume all the time that you are removing unwanted vibration of Frog incarnation

For Cat or Monkey incarnation

6)      Bilavasan (1 time, Max 3 times)
1.       Pose like Cat with hands and knees on floor
2.       Keep both feet together
3.       As you exhale raise spine upward
4.       Release head towards the earth
5.       As you inhale downward spine
6.       Lift head upward
7.       Assume all the time that you are removing unwanted vibration of Cat incarnation

For Lion incarnation

7)      Sihasan (1 time, Max 3 times)
1.       Pose like Lion with hands and knees on floor
2.       Keep both feet in distance
3.       Keep eyes on Agna chakra (Between two eyebrows)
4.       Stretch your tongue out while mouth wide open
5.       Roar like Lion from throat (No voice)
6.       Assume all the time that you are removing unwanted vibration of Lion incarnation

For Human incarnation

8)      Surya Namaskar (1 time, Max 3 times)
1.       Stand on both feet
2.       Raise both hands parallel to shoulder
3.       Then join palms over head in Namaskar
4.       Inhale and bend backward while ears pressing by arms
5.       Exhale slowly and bend forward down till your forehead touches your knees
6.       Put both palms besides feet
7.       Try to keep your knees strait
8.       Inhale and stretch right leg backward as far back as possible
9.       Look upward
10.   Exhale and stretch left leg back
11.   Keep heel together
12.   Keep body in strait line
13.   Keep knees on floor
14.   Push hips back
15.   Push body forward
16.   Touch chest and chin on the floor
17.   Hold hips up
18.   Hips down
19.   Raise head and chest up
20.   Look upward
21.   Exhale and move head down
22.   Hips up and make inverted V
23.   Move right foot between two hands
24.   Look up
25.   Exhale and move left foot forward between two hands
26.   Touch forehead to knees
27.   Inhale and raise hand and head
28.   Exhale and stretch down hands
·         Assume all the time that you are removing unwanted vibration of Human incarnation
·         Repeat procedure for left leg

9)      Osho Bhastrika (1 min, Max 10 min)
1.       Stand on both legs equally
2.       Exhale forcefully from chest with nose
3.       Assume all the time that you are throwing unwanted vibration of Human incarnation

10)  Osho Kapalbhati + “Hoo” + 3 Bandh (1 min, Max 10 min)
1.       Jump as your both heels hammer on floor.
2.       When your heels touch the floor, exhale forcefully from navel with mouth as “Hoo” sound comes out.
3.       After fix time, exhale totally
4.       Do Mula bandh (Contract the anus)
5.       Do Uddiyan bandh (Lift abdominal wall upward)
6.       Do Jalandhar bandh (Bending the head forward and pressing the chin against the throat in the gap between the collar bones)
7.       Assume all the time that you are throwing unwanted vibration of Human incarnation

11)  Anulom vilom + Bhramni (1 min, Max 10 min)
1.       Sit with straight spine in Padmasan or Siddhasan
2.       Close your eyes
3.       Close right nose with right thumb
4.       Inhale from left nose
5.       Close left nose with third finger
6.       Exhale from right nose
7.       Repeat same steps for alternate breath
8.       After fix time
9.       Inhale fully
10.   Make balloon of cheeks
11.   Close both ears with thumb
12.   Press inner points of eyes with first fingers
13.   Close nose with second fingers
14.   Close lips with third and fourth fingers
15.   Touch the palate with tongue
16.   Humming “m” of ‘Om’ with throat
17.   Assume all the time that you are activating yourself to catch higher vibration

For finding positive symptoms

12)  Meditation (5 min, According to age)
1.       Sit with straight spine in Padmasan or Siddhasan
2.       Close your eyes
3.       Sit with loose body
4.       Do not move body
5.       Just watch your thoughts without judging right or wrong
6.       Assume all the time that you are getting Golden light from higher spirits

Thank You
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